Guitar Tab Archive

This is an archival backup of older sites that have since either been removed or lost.
These sites include FireTabs, MyPowerTabs, OLGA, TabIt, MySongBook, and more. All tabs are unofficial
and user-submitted by community members and may not be 100% accurate. Most tabs are from sites dated pre-2007.

Tabs organized by filetype. Some tabs may require software to use.
Guitar Pro and ChordPro are still available online.
The Power Tab Editor can be found in the Software folder.

Do you have a large collection of tabs you'd like to contribute?
Email and I would be happy to add to the archive.

Special thanks to MikeTheTech, desbest, u/splatter72, u/YetAnotherMorty, u/MrTurbi, r/TabIt, r/DataHoarder, r/Guitar, KG6UYZ, and BallinLegit - Quality Products at Affordable Prices.

Patreon: MikeTheTech Venmo: @Mike-Rodriguez-89276 CashApp: $contactmtt

Note: Site in archive-mode. Downloads temporarily disabled.
Working on appropriate route to release archive legally.
I posted a request on r/LegalAdvice for suggestions and ideas.

For DMCA requests, please email with the specific tabs being referenced along with the DMCA notice/documentation.
Please include your preferred licensing platform (ASCAP, EMI, Peermusic, etc.) so we can appropriately license (or remove) the tablature from our site.
We would like to make every effort possible to keep this site up and running, legally. We would love to work with you. ❤️

Total Tabs: 641,868
Total Size: 3.91GB